Screwdriving bits for the professional end user. High quality, high accuracy and available in different types for a wide range of applications.
The 'BASIC'-type is a cost efficient standard type that can be used for all applications and is also the basis for the 'TIN'- and 'DIAMOND'-types. Due to a hardness of 59-61 HRC the bits are suited for both manual and power tool applications.
The 'TIN'-type is optimal for high volume ‘screwdriving applications’ due to the extremely wear resistant dual layer ‘TiC’- and ‘TiN’-coating. An additional heat treatment allows a maximum torque up to 50% higher than the ‘BASIC’-bits.
The 'ANTI-COR'-type specifically well suited for is constructing terraces and the mounting of claddings to buildings. Due to the bits being made of stainless steel, foreign metal part deposits (causing rust) on sensitive surfaces are avoided.
The 'DIAMOND-grip'-type provide optimized grip of the screwdriving bit into the head of the screw thanks to the superficial microdiamonds and the ‘Cam-Out-Effect’ is significantly reduced.
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